Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

penaku to berlabur without

penaku a berlabur Sin will I delete with sholatku, but if the point is already dripping tintaku what can I delete, just a hoax that is capable of I remove, agitated and restless pupus only that I could provide. If the money no longer exist if the treasure still there what I give. do "a and a dash of compassion is only an illusion. proof was difficult I gave, just the hope that is in my mind, writing is not a life style of writing is life.

learning from past experience that has on record with a little touch of ink is certainly very interesting, often seen how stupid we are in the past, evil, love and affection until all our life not in dasarkan from now but from the text we had then, notify me to my friends, if we can be a tiger in the sheepfold why we do not se the ferocious tigerIf we se tame camel how come we have to lie to be Tiger

living in a lie it was tough living in the middle of a fella, different things it's difficult. show what you can ... If God said kun fayakun everything could be possible, it is a difficult struggle if we merely ber playfully pursue a life away from the field, and in the Middle we would have collapsed in pain ... show your chest his show your strength. passion and responsibility, spirit and courage. Let's not just the sentiment apparent argument. sleeping in bed is the thing which can be useful if we could with the interaction with the outside world, but if we just sleep in my room and hayal. never mind you guys get what you guys want to get you guys get gambaranya fella was difficult.
life is like a dream ... This life like hayalan that are not necessarily true then is true right and prove it. apaun lifestyle as we can, whatever model we apply.

trials in life there must have been an obstacle and impediment surely waving lamabai, but what we have to deal with it, we don't understand all of it but the problem is the power of life unparalleled,jangan takut salah,jangan takut disalahkan jangan takut menang,jangan beri ampun musuh-musuh itu,

kthe cloud or your opponent is trying to "an. ..

write with droplets of affection in the Scriptures do not penamu this white paper with kotori lies face with clean hearts. then take a look at what will happen

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

The Understanding Of Behavior Therapy

Behavior therapy is the application of various techniques and procedures rooted in various theories of learning. These include the application of Terpi systematic principles of learning in changing the behaviour of kea rah ways that are more adaptive. Therapy

Behavior therapy is the application of various techniques and procedures rooted in various theories of learning. These include the application of Terpi systematic principles of learning in changing the behaviour of kea rah ways that are more adaptive. Therapy

The term behavior therapy or counseling behavioristik from the United Kingdom to Behavior Counseling was first used by Jhon d. Krumboln (1964). Krumboln is the main promoter in applying the approach of behavioristik counseling, though he continued to flow that already started in the 1950s, as a reaction to the liveries counseling regarding personal relationships, between the counselor and counseling as components that are absolutely necessary and sufficient to provide psychological help to someone.

According to the Marquis, behavior therapy is a technique that applies the information-scientific information in order to find a human problem solving. So the behaviour is focused on how people learn and the conditions that determine their behaviour.

In General, behavior therapy is approach to the application of various techniques and procedures that are based on different theories about learning in modifying the behaviour of enterprises. In the settlement of the problem, the problem should be dispesifikkan condition. Currently, this approach in the form of much use because of its emphasis on changing the behaviour of where behaviour can be defined operationally, observed and measured.

2. the concept of Behavior Therapy

Where the Foundation footing this behavior therapy approach, i.e. behavioristik, this approach assumes that "human beings are basically shaped and defined by its cultural and social environment. All human behavior is learned ". This is an assumption of behavioristik radical. Yet another IE behavioristik behavioristik contemporary, which is a development of the radical behavioristik considered that each individual actually has the potential to choosing what to play. This is contrary to the principles of radical behavioris, get rid of the possibility of determining individual self. However, despite that, the two remained Behaviorism focuses on the core of Behaviorism itself that is how people learn and the conditions that determine their behaviour.

The main concept of this behavior therapy are beliefs about human dignity, as are philosophy and partly psychological, i.e. in the factory

Humans are basically immoral is good or bad, good or bad. Humans have the potential to behave well or bad, right or wrong based on the lack of offspring, and the environment (nativism and empiricism), formed patterns behave that characterize the typical traits of his personality.
Human beings are able to reflect upon his own behavior, capturing what it does and set as well as controlling their behaviour themselves.
Human beings are able to acquire and form his own behaviour patterns through a new process of learning. If the old patterns were formed through learning, patterns that can be replaced through the effort of learning new ones.

d. humans can affect the behavior of others and himself influenced by the behavior of others.

A. Application Of Behavior Therapy

There are six techniques in the application of behavior therapy, namely:
Training, Relaxation techniques to cope with the stress experienced in everyday life, which often manifested by simtom psychosomatic, high blood pressure and heart problems, migraine, asthma and insomnia. The purpose of this method is for muscle relaxation and mental. In This technique, the client is asked to relax and take a passive position in his environment while scrunching and merilekskan muscle in turn. This can be done by pulling a breath in and regularly while membanyangkan things that are fun.

Systemic Desensitisasi, a matching technique to deal with phobias-phobia, but can also be applied to the handling of anxiety-producing situations such as interpersonal situations, fear of facing exams, fear-the fear, anxiety-generalized anxiety neuroses as well as impotence and sexual frigidity. This technique involves relaxation where the client is trained to casual and relaxed circumstances with the plant experiences imaginable or anxiety divisualisasi. Those situations are presented in a series of very non-threatening to the very threatening. Levels of anxiety-producing stimulus-stimulus pairing repeatedly with stimulus-stimulus-producing State santai until the link between stimulus-stimulus-response to these worries and anxiety to be deleted.
Asertif exercise therapy techniques, it is the procedures that use the game's role in therapy. Asertif exercise this will help for those who:
Not being able to express the anger\/feeling offended
Showing excessive politeness and always encourage others to forego

Has difficulty to say ' no '
Have difficulty expressing affection and other positive response-response
Feel no right to have their feelings and thoughts on its own

The focus of this therapy is to practise the skills-skills mix is obtained through role playing so that individuals are expected to be able to overcome ketidakmemadaiannya and learning express feelings and thoughts they openly accompanied kenyakinan that they are entitled to show the reactions that opens it.

4. Pencontohan (modelling methods), through the learning process of observation, the clients can learn to perform the desired actions without the learning process of trial-and-error. The technique can be made to modify behaviour. For example, someone who is afraid of snakes, hence his fear can be eliminated or reduced by looking at the other people who are not afraid to face the snakes.

5. Self-Management Programs, this technique attempts to unify the cognitive element in the process of behavior change, assuming that the most klienlah know what they need. Counsellors who consider whether therapy sessions are going well or not, here is the Counselor of mediators. Self-directed Behavior, is a technique where behavior change directed at myself the client itself. Klienlah must feel that this therapy is essential to address the problem. For example, in the problem of obesity. Things that can be done, for example, ask the client to write the changes to the program itself in the diari. What time and how many times he would eat. If he does not succeed, it had to write down my feelings and causes of such things in the diarinya. Or if the program has been run, the client can provide a gift to himself for example go shopping.

6. Multimodal therapy, based on the assumption that the more knowledge the client during therapy will be the less likely clients will experience problems. This technique uses a BASICID approach (behavior, affective response, sensations, images, cognitions, interpersonal relationships, and drugs\/biology).

B. The Purpose Of Behavior Therapy

There are several goals by Handojo therapy needs to be determined and remembered as follows

a. active two-way Communication

They can perform parallel conversations, can throw things that are funny. This goal should always be kept in mind, so that his son can continue to be improved to as or close to a normal person's ability.

b. Socialization into a common environment

After the children are able to communicate, do the things that add to the generalization. Generalizations concerning the subject or others, the instruction, the object, the response of children and different environments.

c. eliminate or minimize unnatural behavior

Strange behavior need to be immediately removed before the age of 5 years, so as not to interfere with the child's social life as an adult. Many more parents prioritize things academic, but negligent in handling the behavior that is not natural.

d. teach the academic material

Academic ability is heavily dependent on the intelligentsia or the IQ of the child. If a child's IQ is not included are below normal, the academic ability is also definitely not difficult to develop.

e. ability to help himself or herself and other skills to bina

This is a capability that is also needed for each individual, so that the things that are personal, are able to work on his own without the help of others. Eating, drinking, putting up and taking off clothes and so on.

In addition to the larger child can be taught other skills such as swimming, painting, cooking, olag raga and so on. These skills will be very useful, as well as motor exercises, as well as to foster the child's talents, and can fill up the whole time.

General purpose i.e. create new conditions for learning. Assuming that pemeblajaran can fix the problem behavior. While the contemporary behaviour therapy emphasizes the active role in deciding about treatment of clients.

Whereas the purpose of behavior therapy, according to a new process is created the Supriadi for the learning process, because their whole behaviour was studied. There are some misconceptions about the purpose of behavior therapy, among other

That the purpose of therapy solely eliminate the symptoms of a disorder behavior and after the symptoms disappear, new symptoms would appear because the cause is not addressed.
The purpose of the client specified by the dipaksanakan and behavior therapy.

C. Criticism For Behavior Therapy

Behavior therapy does not handle the cause-the cause, but rather manangani to symptoms
Therapy of behavior does not apply to people who are functioning relatively high levels
Behavior therapy can be applied only on anxiety-anxiety, phobias-specific phobias and the problems of a limited modification of the behaviour is not functioning Behaviour modification work "too good"

Behavior therapy could change the behavior, but it doesn't change the feelings
Overlook the importance of behaviour therapy relationship therapist the client in therapist
Behavior therapy does not provide any insight. Due to the frequent, behaviour therapy does not focus on the past clients so often the therapist does not discuss it in spite of actual therapist knows the problem. Ignoring the causes of behaviour therapy-the historical causes of the behavior now

A. Conclusions
Behavior therapy approach is the application of various techniques and procedures that are based on different theories about learning in modifying the behaviour of enterprises. In the settlement of the problem, the problem should be dispesifikkan condition.

In the application of behaviour therapy there are six techniques, including:

Relaxation Training,
Desensitisasi, Systemic
Practice Asertif,
Pencontohan (modelling methods),
Self-Management Programs,
Multimodal Therapy.

According to there are five goals of therapy Handojo behaviour, namely:

Two-way communication is enabled,
Socialization into a common environment,
Eliminate or minimize unnatural behaviour,
Teach academic content,
Ability to help oneself or other skills and bina. But in general the aim of therapy is behavior that is creating new conditions for learning. Assuming that pemeblajaran can fix the problem behavior. While the contemporary behaviour therapy emphasizes the active role in deciding about treatment of clients.

Guidance Counseling

Guidance and counselling is derived from two words namely guidance and counseling. Guidance is a translation of guidance which contained multiple meanings. Sertzer & Stone (1966: 3) menemukakan that the guidance is derived the word guide which has the meaning to
direct, pilot, manager, or steer (showing, specify, manage, or drive).

Prayitno and Erman Amti (2004: 99) suggests that the guidance is the process of granting of aid committed by people who are experts to an individual or multiple people, both children, teens, and adults in order that people can develop a guided himself and self-sufficient by utilizing the power of the individual and the means by which exist and could be developed on the basis of the norms in force.

Meanwhile, Winkel (2005: 27) mendefenisikan guidance:
an attempt to equip individuals with the knowledge, experience and information about himself, a way to provide assistance to individuals to understand and utilise efficiently and effectively all opportunities for the development of private-owned
a type of service to individuals so that they can determine choice, set a goal with a precise and realistic plans, so that they can adjust to satisfy yourself in the environment in which they live,a process of granting assistance or aid to the individual in terms of understanding the self, linking itself with an understanding of the environment, choose, decide and put together a plan in accordance with the concept itself and the demands of the environment.

Djumhur and Moh. Surya, (1975: 15) argues that the guidance is a process of granting help is a continuous and systematic to individual in solving problems that are encountered in order to achieved the ability to be able to understand herself (self understanding), the ability to receive him (self acceptance), the ability to drive himself (self direction) and the ability to realize himself (self realization) correspond to the potential or ability in achieving conformity with the environment, good family, school and community. In Government Regulation No. 29 of 1990 about secondary education expressed that Guidance is provided to help learners in order to discover the personal, familiar environment, and plan for the future.
Based on the above understanding that guidance could be understood in principle is the process of granting of aid committed by people who are experts to an individual or multiple people in terms of understanding the self, linking itself with an understanding of the environment, choose, decide and put together a plan in accordance with the concept of environmental demands on himself and on the basis of the norms in force.

While counseling according to Prayitno and Erman Amti (2004: 105) is the process of awarding grants made through the counseling interview by an expert (called counselor) to individuals who are going through something of a problem (called a client) that boils down to teratasinya issues facing clients.

In line with that, Winkel (2005: 34) defines a series of activities most counseling as a staple of guidance in an effort to help

konseli\/clients face-to-face with the goal of keeping the client can take responsibility themselves against various issues or special issues.

Based on the notion of counseling above can be understood that counseling is an attempt to help konseli\/clients face-to-face with the goal of keeping the client can take responsibility themselves against various issues or special issues. In other words, the problems faced by teratasinya konseli\/clients.

As for the notion of religious guidance and counseling according to h. m. Arifin (1982: 2) is the business of granting aid to someone who has difficulty either outwardly or seal concerning his life in the present and the future. Help trsebut in the form of aid in the field of mental and spiritual, that the person concerned is able to mengatsinya with the capabilities that exist in itself as well as the encouragement of the power of faith and piety to God.

B. Reason Of The Required Guidance Counseling At Colleges

· Problem students

Student guidance service provision by the many problems which urged faced by students in the development of the study of high diperguruan. learn has some different characteristics in all schools by learning advanced. The main characteristic is the level of independence
both in the implementation of the study and the selection of the courses as well as in the management of her as a student. A mahsiswa has been viewed mature enough to choose and determine the courses to suit your talents, interests, and his ideals. Students are also required to be studied on its own, without much regulated, supervised and controlled by the lecturers. In managing his life, students have been seen to be mature enough to set up a life of its own. Generally, they have also raised a family and have children.

In an attempt to realize the independence of its development is not always smooth and uneventful, many obstacles and problems they face. To develop themselves and overcome these problems menghindariserta hambatandan necessary guidance of lecturers is done on a sistematikdan stick to the principle of "Tut Wuri Handayani".

Overall, the problems faced by college students can be grouped in two categories, namely the problems of study and personal and social problems.

a. academic Problems

Any Poblema academic an obstacle or difficulty that dipi by students in meencanakan, melaksanaka and maximize the development of their learning.

Some problems of study that may be encountered by students as follows.

  • Difficulties in study memilihprogram\/concentration\/choice of courses that correspond to kemamuan an ersedia time.
  • Difficulties in arranging customized learning time with many tuntuta and pekuliahan activity, as well as other student activities.
  •  Difficulty in getting the source of learning and books-bukusumber.
  • Difficulties in drawing up the papers, reports, and the final project.
  • The difficulty in studying the books in particular foreign language language English.
  • Lack of motivation or enthusiasm to learn.
  • The habit of learning.
  • Lack of curiosity and want to deepen ilmuserta engineering.
  • Lack of interest in the professions.

b. personal and Social Problems

Personal social Problem is the difficulties faced by students kesuliatn in managing a life of its own as well as adjusting to social life, as well as on the environment both dikampus.

Some of the social problems which may face personal student is as follows.
Economic deprivation\/tuition. Difficulties with regard to the issue of salaries.  Difficulty adjusting to his fellow students well and environment residential dikampus.  Difficulty adjusting to the community about housing mahsiswa entrants, particularly students.  Difficulties because of family problems.
Loss trouble because personal problems.

C. The Function And Purpose Of Student Guidance

Student guidance helps students develop the venture herself and cope with the problems of academic problems, as well as social problems-a personal academic developments affect them.

Student guidance includes academic tutoring service given by lecturers of academic supervisor at the level of the course\/program of study, Faculty\/Hall, and the University.

1. Functions

The guidance of students have some function, i.e. as follows.
Introduction and pamahaman a more in depth about the conditions, the potential, and the characteristics of the students.
Help adjusting to college life.
Help resolve problems - problems of academic and social problems that affect the personal-development of academic students.

2. Purpose

With the service they provide guidance, students are expected to be capable of the following things.
Being able to choose his own course of study\/concentration\/choice of courses to suit your talents, interests, and goals.
Able to complete the course and all the tuntuttan lectures on time.
The learning achievements acquired in accordance with their abilities.
Able to cultivate a relationship with fellow student and social with the lecturer.
Have a professional eispan and skap.
Have a relitas about themselves and their surroundings.

D. Scope Of The Guidance Of The Students.

In accordance with the problems often experienced student and course are based on the system of CREDITS system, activities of student guidance dilingkungan College includes various types of guidance as follows.

1. Academic Guidance

Academic tutoring is the main service of student guidance. A variety of factors which are non-academic student problem will also berpenganruh to the academic activities (study\/learning). Academic guidance can also be focused on efforts to assist students in the following things.

a. determination of courses each semester.

There is a kencenderungan that the students have yet to live up to the correct amount of CREDITS that the usefulness of the provision may be taken in determining the credit contract. Improving the determination of credit contracts that are part of an overall integrated and sustainable course that was about to take, it is not enough merely to know student names of courses they have to travel.
They need to be assisted in understanding things here.
The nature of the mission, goals and programs\/concentrations\/options of courses taken in relation to the overall program of study Esperanto.
The structure, content and implementation of the mechanism kurikulium the chosen courses and requirements that must be met to be able to follow the course that was about to take.
The nature, content and function of any courses that build the curriculum of the courses chosen with regard to other courses in the formation of professional ability.
Formal and informal procedures should take to smooth the determination and planning of courses chosen.Personnel functionally can help smooth the process of determining and designing a program of study.

In the activities of this study contract, Academic Counselors assist functional dsen students select and specify the matakuliah where and how many CREDITS are worth her credentials to be an.

Undergraduate programs for students, based on the guidelines of the study contract Academica each university\/colleges, for example:
Students with IP < 2.00 can mengamil a maximum of 18 CREDITS Students with IP is more or equal to 2.00 but less than 3.00 can take a load of studies 18-20 CREDITS, students with IP > 3.00 can take maximum study load of 21 CREDITS
Freshman diperolehkan taking the entire courses are offered in accordance with the structure of the curriculum.

b. completion of studies in each of the courses.

In the completed courses, students often face loss and difficulties in completing tasks, selecting methods and learning resource, as well as adjusting to the demands of other subjects related to the race.

In such case, the student should get guidance for developing a readiness and ability as follows.
Courses in the form of face-to-face in full sesuia with keentuan policies, as many valid between 16-18 times, including lecture exams and quizzes given lecturer.
Make a report on the topic, chapter, or book that is relevant to the courses
Draft paper on relevant problems of the corresponding courses.
Draft report of the servei, observation, or Practicum instructors from related subjects.
Carry out the duties of work, practice field, laboratory, workshop production units, business units, and others.

c. encouragement of settlement of the final project.

Often the obstacle of students in completing the study diakhiatkan ketelambatan final project completion, this is because they lack a motive and the ability of dividing the task completion time of the end. For that the students need to obtain guidance in the following.
Generating and enhancing motivation in the completion of the final task.
Plan and arrange a time to menyelasaikan final project.

d. completion of practice field (PL)

Generally, the activity is the spearhead of the PL process of professional coaching. Expected student activities through the PL actually implement and live up to the tasks, as well as the practice of his profession. For that seyogyanyamahasiswa got the guidance in this regard.

Requiring motives and readiness to plunge and appeared as professionals in their field.
Growing the readiness and the ability of independent in solving professional tasks.

2. guidance on the development of attitudes and professional responsibility.

some students often seem less symptoms of supporting the development of attitudes and professional responsibility. To that end, the most students need to get guidance in the following.

Growing readiness to become professionals. These efforts can be made in the activities of the lecture or through consultation with the supervisor's academic activities. In fostering the readiness of this need also performed self coaching specifically in appearance and the appearance field of profession.
Develop insights into the field of profession through various academic activities.
Personal and social adjustment guidance.

In following and completing his studies, students often face a wide range of social issues and personal which is quite influential in the course of his studies. In accordance with the problems that often arise, students need to obtain guidance in the following. Conformity to the atmosphere of college life (trauma for freshman). Construction and maintenance of the motif, as well as a passion to learn creatively and productively.  Dodge and resolve conflicts, either with friends, teachers and family members. Conformity of the lingkungantempat lived.

e. settlement of klonflik between desire and study work and family tasks fulfillment.

E. Procedures For The Guidance Of Students

1. stage-Stage Guidance

Guidance procedure includes the steps of the acquisition of data and information, the provision of assistance, as well as the monitoring of the results of the assistance provided.

Data acquisition and infirmasi every student can be done through the following activities.
Transkip study of the academic students.
Study results of selection for college students.
Data collection from students through interviews, observations by the Supervising Professor, Academic or inventory carried out by units or counseling center.

Measures granting the aid consists of a few stages as follows.
The first stage of initial assistance, in conjunction with the acquisition of data through interviews, observations, or inventory as well as the orientation of students, especially new students to educational programs and instruction that it depends. Stage direction is done on each tip of the Faculty\/Department coordination under Dean I and III, as well as the head of the Department\/program.
The second phase, assistance is given to a group of Professors of academic Supervisor (DPA) that had been set. DPA is a supervisor concerned during the joglekar assist students follow courses in College (PT). Therefore, the DPA is not always a supervisor in writing of the final project. After a DPA, some students have academic pembimbinganb was taken over by DPA. DPA with students designing him guidance activities are scheduled together. This activity is a scheduled activity that needs to be done regularly, at least once every two weeks or in accordance with the purposes and the agreement of the group. On stage, the problems dealt with inni focused on academic issues.The third stage, the individual guidance by DPA to help students deal with the problems encountered in accordance with requirements. At this stage, the problems dealt with are more focused on personal social concern. In helping students at this stage, if it deems necessary, the DPA can memintabantuan leader Department program or counselor in order to find a solution.Stage four, where necessary, at this stage the student obtain guidance from special counsellors (team-BK), both at the level of departments, faculty, and the University. This assistance is granted if the issues facing students is ersoalan that is specific and needs to be dealt with specifically, as the result of a referral from DPA.


Guidance and counselling is derived from two words namely guidance and counseling. Prayitno and Erman Amti (2004: 99) suggests that the guidance is the process of granting of aid committed by people who are experts to an individual or multiple people, both children, teens, and adults in order that people can develop a guided himself and self-sufficient by utilizing the power of the individual and the means by which exist and could be developed on the basis of the norms in force.

Student guidance service provision by the many problems which urged faced by students in the development of the study of high diperguruan. learn has some different characteristics in all schools by learning advanced. Overall, the problems faced by college students can be grouped in two categories, namely the problems of study and personal and social problems.

Student guidance helps students develop the venture herself and cope with the problems of academic problems, as well as social problems-a personal academic developments affect them.

Student guidance includes academic tutoring service given by lecturers of academic supervisor at the level of the course\/program of study, Faculty\/Hall, and the University.
In accordance with the problems often experienced student and course are based on the system of CREDITS system, activities of student guidance dilingkungan includes a wide variety of College guidance as follows :

Academic Guidance.
Guidance on the development of attitudes and professional responsibility.

Personal and social adjustment guidance.

Pengertian Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling

Bimbingan merupakan bantuan yang diberikan kepada individu dari seorang yang ahli, namun tidak sesederhana itu untuk memahami pengertian dari bimbingan. Pengertian tetang bimbingan formal telah diusahakan orang setidaknya sejak awal abad ke-20, yang


Diagnosis menurut Kamus Bahasa Indonesia adalah penentuan suatu penyakit dengan meneliti (memeriksa) gejala-gejalanya; mendiagnosi, menentukan suatu penyakit dengan meneliti atau memeriksa gejala-gejalanya; terdiagnosis adalah dapat didiagnosis.

Standar Ruang Bimbingan dan Konseling

Dalam perspektif pendidikan nasional, bimbingan dan konseling merupakan bagian yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari sistem pendidikan di sekolah, yang bertujuan untuk membantu para siswa agar dapat mengembangkan dirinya secara optimal dan memperoleh

Alat Perlengkapan BK di sekolah

Untuk dapat terselenggaranya pelayanan BK yang sebaik-baiknya, disamping memperhatikan organisasi dan personil, juga perlu adanya perlengkapan bagi terselenggaranya pelayanan bimbingan. Perlengkapan itu harus tersedia agar kegiatankegiatan pelayanan dapat