Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011


Psycholinguistic is the study about psychology and linguistic and Neurolinguisticsis the study about neurology and linguistics. Now, the need in our life that has caused some ways is concrete on the study of multidiscipline. This way has purpose to solve the problems that happened in our life is more complex.

The psycholinguistic purpose is looking for the linguistics theory and psychology is able to explain the truth of language and the getting process. Psycholinguistics covers the cognitive processes that make it possible to generate a grammatical and meaningful sentence out of vocabulary and grammatical structures, as well as the processes that make it possible to understand utterances, words, text, etc. Developmental psycholinguistics studies children's ability to learn language.

The translation and TEFL are the examples problem which is complex in our life because both of them not only relation with a language but also the language activity. And the language activity will be done by our method and our mental. It means that when we use the language also involve some factors from the process of mental activity. Therefore, the linguistic on its activity must be equipped between two disciplines of knowledge, they are linguistic and psychology (psycholinguistics)


A.    Psychology

Psychology was taken from Yunnan languages that are psyche that has meaning soul and logos that has meaning logic. Psychology is the study about the soul condition of human. Psychology is not the study about the abstract problem in psychology but it is about attitude and behavior as the soul condition of human expression. With studying about the attitude and behavior expression that have shown, we can know the soul condition of human.

Based on the development, psychology is divided into some current school from the philosophy which is embraced. First,mentalisticpsycholinguistic, and this school has a purpose is study the process of human mind using introspection. Second, psycholinguistic behavior explains that this psychology studies about the act or behavior that is done by human when they get an excitement and how they control that act or behavior. Third, cognitive psycholinguistic is thestudy about the process of human minds that has responsible to manage the human experience and the human behavior.

B. Linguistics

Linguistics is the study of human language (Langacker 1973:5). It is clear enough for students to understand that linguistics to understand that linguistics is a science as the term is completed with the bound morphemes. The primary object is human language signifying that language is human specific and human species. It is only human that uses language as a means of communication. Linguistics can be divided into some fields or subjects. They are from the object, the purpose, the period development and the way to work.

First, based on the verifiedobject, linguistics can be divided into two the big branches, they are micro linguistics and macro linguistics. The object from the micro linguistics is the structure of internal language, in such as the structure of phonology, morphology, syntax and semantic. Next, the object of the macro linguistics is the language on the relationship with the external factors of language. Like, sociology, psychology, anthropology, etnolinguistic, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistic.

Second, based on the verified purpose, the linguistics can be differenced into two subjects; they are pure or theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics. The verified theory only to research or find some theories linguistics, and the verified applied to use or apply the grammatical linguistics into an activity. For example: the translation, the TEFL, etc.

Third, based on the period development, there are the history of linguistics and the linguistics of history. The history of linguistics more focuses to study about the development of linguistics from some streams and the result work. It is different with the linguistics of history that study the development and the change of language with compare or not.

Fourth, based on the way of work, there are two kinds of linguistics. They are the linguistics of comparative contrastive and the linguistics of diachronic. The way of work from the linguistics of comparative contrastive is compare two lingual or more. For example the Arabic language and Javanese language are compared from the contrastive aspect with a purpose to know the similarity and the differences that grammatical. Next, the linguistics of diachronic is compare two languages that not balance. And this purpose is make reconstruction the proto.


1.         Definition

Psycholinguistics is a relatively new subject of linguistics due to the fact that it involves not only language study but psychology aspects as well.Meanwhile Evelyn Marcussen Hatch in her book, Psycholinguistics (1983:1) expresses her concept as follows:”Psycholinguistics is defined traditionally as the study of human language, language, language comprehension, language production, and language acquisition. The definition of psycholinguistic was born in 1954 when publish the book “Psycholinguistic: A survey of Theory and Research Problems” that is written by Charles E. Osgood and Thomas A. Seboek, in Bloomington, AS.  The primary purpose of psycholinguistics is to search language theory that can be accepted by linguistics and can be explained by the psychology how the process to get it. 

The relationship between the psychology and linguistics not only it can explain the language, but also it needs the help from some kinds of knowledge. One of example is neurology and many kinds.

2.         Kinds of Psycholinguistics

There are seven part of discipline psycholinguistic from Chaer’s opinion (2003), those are:

·                     Theoretical Psycholinguisticsis the psycholinguistic that explains about the theory of language is connected with the process of human mind or mental on make a language. For example: scheme of syntax, discourse, intonation and phonetic.

·                     Developmental Psycholinguistics is the psycholinguistic that study about the process to get language, in the first language (B1) or the second language (B2). Besides, this discipline also studies about how the way to get phonology, semantic, syntax.

·                     Psycholinguistics of society is the psycholinguistic that have relationship with social aspect. Actually, this term still relationships with sociolinguistics.

·                     Psycholinguistics of education is the psycholinguistic that studies about education aspect, especially into the formal education. Like, the role f language and teaching of language and know the change to make language so that can improve the ability to give some ideas or feelings.

·                     Neuropsycholinguisticsis the psycholinguistic that studies about the relationships between language and brain. In this case to explain how to enter and leave language after programmed and shaped in the brain.

·                     Psycholinguistics of experiment is the psycholinguistic that tries to do an experiment in some language activities for one person and the act language, then the effect that will be engendered from other person.

·                     Applied psycholinguisticsis thispsycholinguisticrelationship with applied from kinds of invention before (point a-f) into some subjects that need it. Such as, psychology, linguistic, neurology, communication and literature.

Psycholinguistic also can be divided into three the primary subjects, they are:

·                     General psycholinguistics is the study “how the people argument about the language and how they can product the language. Besides, this psychology also studies about the cognitive process which is basic on the time to use language.

·                     Applied Psycholinguisticsis application from the theory psycholinguistic in daily activities for the adult person and children. In this applied still can be different into two kinds, they are first,applied general psycholinguistics or normal applied psycholinguistics (the influence the change some spellings into the people argument about the visual words) and abnormal applied psycholinguistics(study about the problem pronunciation from the people who incur aphasia). Second, applied developmental psycholinguistics (explain about how make a program study and write) and abnormal applied developmental psycholinguistics (study about what thing can be done by the children who slow to act their language).

·                     Developmental psycholinguisticsis the study how to get language from the children and the adult people.

3.    Scopes of psycholinguistics

The table scopes of psycholinguistics

The word psycholinguistic appears and popular on Thomas A Sebeok and Charles Osgood book by the title psycholinguistics: A Survey of theory and research problems in 1954. The first, the word psycholinguistics start from a master of linguistics that like with psychology and than make cooperation between master linguistics and psychology so that way the psycholinguistics appear as a new discipline.
Psycholinguistic born in formal situation since the special program was opened in 1953 by R. Brown. In this period there several master like Leshley, Lennebeg, Osgood, Skinner, Chomsky, and Miller.
George A. Miller in his article by the title the psycholinguistics in 1965 said that psycholinguistics appear because several master psychology admit that the human brain getting linguistics symbol than master linguistics admit that psychology motor be able to move grammatical and lexical machine.
Developing psychology divide into four stages, those are:
1.    Formative stage
In this stage is giving idea to hybrids psychology and linguistics.
2.    Linguistics stage
In this stage the first linguistics only give explanation in behaviorism than move to mentalist in 1957 that make psychology popular. It is carried by Neurolinguistics and Biolinguistics that have developed.
3.    Cognitive stage
In this stage, biology has been criticized in a language because biology influence the language can grow and develop.
4.    Psycholinguistics theory stage
In this stage, psycholinguistic not only stand alone because the process getting and using language influence by several science like neurology, philosophy, primatologist, and genetic.

E.    Example:
Children’s Use of Disfluencies for Pragmatic Inference in Lexical Development
Celeste Kidd, Katherine S. White, and Richard N. Aslin {ckidd, kwhite, aslin}
Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Meliora Hall Rochester, NY 14627 USA

In early lexical development, children must learn to map spoken words onto their respective referents. Since multiple objects are typically present when any word is used, a child is charged with the difficult task of inferring the speaker’s intended referent. Previous research has uncovered various cues children may use in this task, including contextual and social cues. We investigate a previously unexplored cue for inferring speaker intention during word learning: speech disfluencies. Disfluencies (such as “uh” and “um”) occur in predictable locations, such as before words that are infrequent and words that have not been previously mentioned. We conducted an eye-tracking study to investigate whether young children can make use of the information contained in disfluencies to infer a speaker’s intended referent. Our results demonstrate that young children (ages 2; 4 to 2; 8) are sensitive to disfluencies. More critically, they show that children appear to usedisfluencies predictively as a cue to reference and to speaker intention as the disfluency is occurring. We also examined potential sources of learning about disfluencies in CHILDES (MacWhinney, 2000) and found that disfluencies, though rare, occur regularly and with increasing frequency over time in child-directed and childproduced speech. These results reveal that young children attend to speech disfluencies relatively early in lexical development and are able to use the disfluencies to infer speaker intention during online comprehension. 
Keywords: Language development; lexical development; word learning; pragmatic inference; speechdisfluency.

•    Now, the need in our life that has caused some ways is concrete on the study of multidiscipline. This way has purpose to solve the problems that happened in our life is more complex, especially for the language. And the language activity not only is done by mechanic way but also from our mind or mental. So, there is psycholinguistic as knowledge that study between psychology and linguistic.
•    Psycholinguistic is a relatively new subject of linguistics due to the fact that it involves not only language study but psychology aspects as well.
•    There are seven part of discipline psycholinguistic from Chaer’s opinion (2003), those are: a. Theoretical Psycholinguistic, b. Developmental Psycholinguistic, c.Psycholinguistic of society, d. Psycholinguistic of education, e. Neuropsycholinguistic, f. Psycholinguistic of experiment, g. Applied psycholinguistic,


1.    Can we help the aphasia patient by giving some vocabulary or symbols in their treatment?
-  It is not needed because the aphasia patient be able to remember the words but they have difficult to construct become sentence.
2.  What are the differences between qualitative and quantitative research?
- Qualitative research is the research has focus to describe the phenomena that happen in a society without making the variables that has relationship one and others.
- Quantitative research is the research has focus to look for the variable relationship because the human action has cause.
3. What is aphasia?
- Aphasiais a disorder that results from damage to the parts of the brain that contain language. Aphasia causes problems with any or all of the following: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
4. Is it psychology or linguistic problem?
- It is Linguistics problem because she has difficult to produce the word.
5.    How to analyze the psycholinguistic problem?
-We start with psychology than using linguistics way because the data in language.

•    Abdurrahman and RohmaniNur Indah. 2008. Psikolinguistikkonsepdanisuumum. Malang: UIN-Malang Press ( Anggota IKAPI ).
•    FriedmannPulvermuller."Word Processing in the Brain as Revealed by Neurophysiological Imaging. 2009. " The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics, ed. by M. Gareth Gaskell. Oxford Univ. Press.
•    John Field. 2003. Psycholinguistics: A Resource Book for Students. Routledge.