Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011


A.    Definition Language Production
Language production is the production of spoken or written language . In this paper, the writers focus on the spoken language production. It relates to the way how people or speakers produce the language or utterance while speaking or having communication.

B.    The process of Producing Language
There are some common stages to produce language. They are:
•    Intended message
•    Encode message into linguistic form
•    Encode linguistic form into speech (motor system)
•    Produce sound from speaker's mouth to hearer's ear (auditory system)
•    Speech is decoded into linguistic form
•    Linguistic form is decoded into meaning

Based on Bock and Levelt (Dardjowidjojo, 2005: 117), there are four stages to produce language. The first is the stage for message in which the message that will be uttered, is produced. In this stage, the speaker usually collects the notions of what relates to the message. The next is functional stage. There are two processes in this stage; to choose suitable lexicon and grammatical information, and to give function for each lexicon chosen- each word has its function such as subject, predicate, and object. Next stage is propositional process. In this stage, the lexicons are arranged. It based on the unity of hierarchy meaning. Then, it can be added by relevant affixation. The last is the process of producing the sound of those words.
It is not different from Bock and Levelt, Clark and Clark (Dardjowidjojo, 2005: 120) also proposed the process of language production. He classified two steps to produce language. The first is preparation or planning. In this stage, the speaker prepares the topic, word choice, and also the structure. Besides that, it is also important to ensure that the interlocutor has same knowledge about what is being told. The speaker also needs to pay attention to the culture behind. Then, it is continued by the implementation of that planning through the sound. While uttering utterance, the speaker should speak clearly.

C.    First Language Acquisition
First language acquisition closely related to social development of children and therefore closely related to the formation of social identity. Learning the first language is one of the period developments of children become full members of a society. Language allows children to express ideas, her will in a way that is socially acceptable. Language is a medium that can be used in children to acquire cultural values, moral, religious and other values in society. In the effort to get hold of language, children are guided by the principle or philosophy of be someone else with a little difference, or get a social identity and in it, and develop our own personal identity.
D.    Second Language Acquisition
In childhood mention to acquire language, for the kids gained some skill in it without realizing that they are collecting usage rules of language while communicating with the environment (Soenardjie, 1989: 131). Second language acquisition can occur with a variety of ways, and at any age, for a variety of purposes and at different linguistic levels. Based on this fact, we can distinguish some types of second language acquisition. A fundamental difference is that second language acquisition (1) guided, and (2) that naturally.
Most people in this world not only use one language course in his life, it is not impossible when a child was already familiar with more than one language, for example when at home and outside home, his parents use a different language. Even when a child is getting the two languages, for example, Indonesian and local languages, but still, both are regarded as a first language (Subyakto, 1988: 65). People who like this could be regarded as a natural bilingual.
Regarding the term used to obtainer first language, if it gets called as one language (monolingual), when he earned two languages either simultaneously or sequentially boy called bilingual (bilingual). If he earned more than two languages sequentially boy called Multilingual (Ibid: 66).
 If the first language acquisition was performed without consciousness, then the second language acquisition was done with the awareness to study it (Soenardjie, 1989: 131). Due to this awareness, then the second language acquisition techniques that could be called comprehension of second language (Ibid).
According to hypothesis, an adult who acquire a second language are also experiencing the same process as a child, except that the adults did not experience babbling stage, stage two or three words, and so forth, but begin by connecting the form and language function, and that he learn to express new concepts using the old forms (Subyakto, 1988: 92).
Second language acquisition in terms of how to get it, can be divided into two parts: first, called second language acquisition guided, that is, the language acquired through formal teaching. Second, a natural second language acquisition, which is obtained as a second language of daily communication; are free from teaching or head teacher. Acquisitions like this there is no uniformity in the way (Ibid: 74-75).
a. The Guided Language Acquisition
Second language acquisition is language acquisition in addition to the first language (mother tongue). Acquiring a second language is taught to the students by presenting material that has been "digested", example: without training that is too tight and full of errors of the learner. The characteristics of second language acquisition is that the material (selection and sequence) depends on the criteria set by the teacher (example, the called "level of difficulty" for students), and the strategies used by a teacher is also in accordance with what considered most suitable for their students. Thus, second language acquisition is guided is the acquisition by learners through the learning process led by the teacher.
Often there are irregularities in the presentation of material is guided. For example, memorizing sentence patterns without exercises how to apply patterns in communication. Presentation materials and methods used, it can also succeed, provided the conditions so favorable student learning so as not to delay the progress of second language acquisition. On the other hand, there is also a negative aspect in second language acquisition is guided. Klein (op.cit: 21) says, "There is no or less pressure from the outside to fully use the potential of learner language." This formula refers to a natural second language acquisition students feel no pressure from the outside to fully use the potential of language, and they feel to be called to do all the exercises own language, without the guidance of teachers.
b. Second Language Acquisition in the Natural
Second language acquisition is a natural or spontaneous second language acquisition or foreign happens in daily communication; free from teaching or leadership from the teacher. Obtaining this kind there is no consistency in the way, because each individual acquire the Second language with its own way. For example, an immigrant from abroad who settled in this country, will acquire two languages in a way to interact with indigenous people; go to school, meet in public places, and so forth. Second language acquisition has a character daily communication in natural or spontaneous interaction. Second language learners try hard to learn how to use a second language. Therefore, that he can communicate well. The higher the motivation, the sooner he reaches their purpose. As disclosed above that the second language acquisition is guided so he does not get pressure from the outside to take advantage of all the potential of language, and do not feel called for achieve a satisfactory level of ability.
The process of acquiring a second language support is a very complicated process because there are many factors to become constraints. However, thanks to psycholinguistics that has done experiment, the hypotheses generated various theories about the acquisition of second language support.
There are two main points concerning the relationship with the first language acquisition and second language acquisition. The first difference is first language acquisition and second language, first language acquisition are an essential component of cognitive and social development of a child. While second language acquisition occurs after the development of a child's cognitive and social development has been completed, the acquisition of first language acquisition of pronunciation done without error. Whereas in second language acquisition is rare, in first language acquisition and second language acquisition there are similarities in the sequence of points of grammar, many different variables between first language acquisition with language acquisition. Second, a feature typical of first language acquisition and second language does not necessarily exist even though there are similarities in the differences between the two acquisitions. There are three kinds of influence of second language learning process, namely the influence of word order and due process of translation, the influence of the bound morpheme, and the influence of first language, although the influence of the content is very small.

E.    Bilingualism
Bilingualism is the condition in which two living languages exist side by side in a country, each spoken by one national group, representing a large proportion of the people. There are some kinds of bilingualism:
a.    Horizontal bilingualism: occurs in situation where two distinctive languages have an equivalent status in the official, cultural, and family life of a group speakers and is mostly sound.
b.    Vertical bilingualism: occurs when a standard language together with a distinct but related dialect.
c.    Diagonal bilingualism: occurs with speakers who use a dialect or non- standard language together with a genetically unrelated a standard language.

   So that based on brief explanation above we can conclude that one of the most difficult problems the student of bilingualism encounters is that of pinpointing just how bilingual speaker must be in order to be considered a bilingual.
F.    Bilingual Acquisition as an Advantage
This Studies  conducted  after  the  1960s  generally  controlled  for  the  confounding  variable of socio-cultural differences. This noticeable change in the inclination of studies on bilingual children from assuming a devastating cognitive impairment to promising accelerated learning and enhanced ability is reviewed clearly by Hakuta (1986).
In sum, despite given methodological issues in literature on bilingualism, it is colorable to maintain that the course of development in bilinguals and monolinguals might be different because of the functions or advantages of specific experiences in each language.  While children in a bilingual context may be able to transfer their contextualized skills and knowledge from one language to another, children in monolingual contexts are only able to carry out the very same tasks only in one language. This transfer between languages implies the possibility for a bilingual advantage in development (Bialystok & Herman, 1999). The extent of this bilingual advantage  might  also  depend  on  the  degree  of  relationship  between  the  two  languages (Bialystok, Luk, & Kwan, 2005).

    Based on the previous explanation,we can conclude that language production is the production of spoken and written language. It means that language production relates to how people produce language while speaking. Also, there are some stages in producing language and it is not produced spontaneously.
    Morever, in this paper we discuss about bilingualism (the ability to speak two languages with the same proposition), monolingualism (the ability to speak onlyone language), and the second language acquisiton and production.

Questions and Answers
The questions of psycholinguistic presentation:
1.When an amnesia person is learnt a new language, which one is his or her first language? (Ni’matul Hikmah)
2.What factors which cause Indonesian have ability to imitate or learn other languages well? (Citra Priski Abadi)
3.Is Cinta Laura’s speech style speech error or bilingualism? (Akbar Kusuma)

4.How many languages can be learnt by children as their first language? (Wahyu Nur L)The answers:
1.A person, who has amnesia, does not mean she or he forgets his or her first language. He still has an ability to learn his previous language if someone teaches it. He forgets only for certain things but not for language. It is because it is only amnesia and it does not break the brain system; it is not brain impairment like a stroke or others that can cause people cannot speak or find difficulty in speaking.
2.    If we talk about language production, it cannot be apart from articulation or organ of speech. The organ of speech has important influence to produce the spoken language, speech, or sound. Besides, Indonesia is rich of languages. There are language varieties living in it. So, the people are exposed to know many languages in the same time.
3.    The way Cinta Laura speaking is bilingual not speech error. Speech error only happens in a certain case and it is temporary. It is also caused by psychological aspect. Speech error happens if the speaker produces one word but it does not mean anything. There may be a problem while producing that and it is not willful. Cinta Laura does not experience that. She is aware to use both languages and it is not because she has psychological problem..
4.    Children can learn many languages as their first language; as many as they can. It is also supported by parents as the teacher and people surrounding.

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